Today I’ll be sharing a post that is part of the 'Laser Launch blog party', run by Halley from Evolve and Succeed, the topic being “Second year entrepreneurship”.
"Laser Launch blog party is a collection of stories from online celebrities about their second year experiences. Brought to you by: Laser Launch Package - a double whammy of expertise to get your next launch sold-out because your second year should be fun + profitable."
For me, just entering this phase of my 2nd
year as a business owner, I am both exciting and
of course slightly apprehensive too. My first year of entrepreneurship was in
every sense a roller-coaster ride. I bounced from having no clients to too
many, I started new programs that got great reviews, launched big projects that
never took off, and learnt so much along the way.
The first year, or season, of starting
something new is always exciting, bringing with it new challenges, ways of
thinking, relationships and personal growth points. Going into my second year as a business owner, the two main things that I will be focusing on will be consistency and passion.
If there is one thing that I learnt last
year, it was that as much as clients/online followers love variety, they love
consistency more. People thrive off stability, and as a business owner, I get
to offer that to my clients. I get to present not only a brand that is consistent but
a person behind the brand who remains the same. As I mentioned in my blog series
post 'Tips for starting your own Creative Business' last year, people buy into who you are and why you do what you do, not
what you do. Yes, they see the ‘what’ every day, but it is the ‘who’ and the ‘why’ that keeps them coming back for more. Consistency
is key to success.
As much as remaining consistent will be vital for me and my
business this year, maintaining passion I believe outweighs all other business
goals. Getting to a point when you decide to
start your own business is usually fueled by ideas, talents and a whole lotta
passion. Your first year as a business-owner has
you on a passion-high, with you daily coming to grips with the idea that your
passion for something is now earning you money. Your passion to make a success
out of something, that lies only in your hands, is so real and so tangible that
you cannot but help working late nights, talking about your business in every
spare moment you can sneak in a few words and filling your thoughts on your
morning runs {or is that just me}. But going into year 2 means that by now things have likely somewhat settled down. Your product or programs are either
succeeding or they aren’t, you've create a routine - something that works for
you…and routine often has a dulling effect on passion.
In order to keep myself on my toes this
year, in terms of both consistency and passion, I coached myself through 3 simple steps and it is now my hope that this will be a tool that you as well as many
2nd year entrepreneurs will find useful.
Step 1: Review 2013
The first thing you need to do is to
review your past year. This means finding a quiet space, taking out either your
laptop or a piece of paper and realistically writing a personal business review
for 2013.
Reflect on things like:
Is your business aligning with your values?
Product/ Service analysis
Is your business aligning with your ideal lifestyle?
Financial analysis
Marketing analysis
Step 2: Room for
Now, write down a list of things, within each section of your review, that you want to improve on this year. I.e: Financial Analysis:
Expenses; Products: Revise and improve current workbooks, etc. You will use this list to help you create your
goals for 2014 in the following step!
Step 3: Set goals for 2014
my ideas below as a basic guideline for categorizing your business goals for 2014:
- Product/service
Goals {Include both improving products/services as well as what new products/ services
you hope to launch}
Financial Goals {Be as specific as possible. Personally, I break this down into months as well as sections within each month}
- Marketing
Goals {This is such a vital part of every business and their success levels. Spend some time reflecting on what you can do to improve your current marketing plan, or if you don’t have one yet, then consider creating one}
Job Satisfaction Goals {Think lifestyle, work/life balance, relationships at
- Personal
Goals {This is for YOU, and is as important as career goals. Think in terms of
your passions/ interests. i.e – run a marathon, take up canoeing, start playing the piano more, etc}
Ensure your goals are:
Specific (Be as specific as you can when detailing
your goals for 2014)
Measurable (Ensure that you will know when you have achieved
a goal, ie – create a measure for each goal)
Attainable (Create goals that stretch you however
still remain within your reach)
Relevant (It’s easy to set a goal that you know you
should set but actually don’t feel passionate about at all. My suggestion is
either to scrap the goal entirely if it really isn’t for you at all, however if
it just very daunting, then consider changing the wording of this goal into
positive language. I.e – Instead of lose 5kg’s, rather – start eating healthy
meals 5 days a week)
Time- bound (Set a time span for each goal – when
you will achieve this goal by)
To all the entrepreneurs out there, best
of luck for 2014!!!! I’d love to read your comments below and would be
more than happy to help where I can. If you’re interested in taking this Goal
Setting Process one step further, then please consider joining my Rise &Shine workshop in Gwangju, Korea in Feb 2014. I am also considering running
this workshop in Cape Town and in Durban in April 2014, however this will be
dependent on whether there is an interest to run it then {use comment section below
or contact me directly here if you're interested}
it is not only my job, but my privilege to help people, like you, set amazing
goals for both their lives and their careers. If you found this exercise
helpful, and are interested in making 2014 a year that stands out from the
rest, then please consider contacting me to book a trial session {free} and
allow me the privilege of walking alongside you for a few months, as you set
out to achieve your deeply rooted dreams!!