Wednesday, 3 July 2013

I need your help..... (Challenge for the month..)

So every month I want to set us a challenge...something we can all try to accomplish..I'm thinking something risky or trying something new....but I need your ideas!!!

I'll read through them all and hopefully yours will appear as this month's challenge...or in the months to come (You'll find the challenge for the month at the bottom of my homepage). 

Complete the sentence - July is the month for _____________________.

Please comment below or on my facebook wall.... (PS - I love seeing how many views I get on my blog...but I know nothing about who's reading it - help me out :) )



  1. How about the month for pruning ( winter climate ) or shedding excess stuff ( summer climate )

  2. Nesly MinasJuly 03, 2013

    July is the month for being better at keeping my promises and goals :) !

  3. Bettina BredenkampJuly 03, 2013

    July is the month for cutting artificial sugar out for one day per week.

  4. July is 31 Days/Photos of things I appreciate/am thankful for :)


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