Friday 14 February 2014

Get Fit Friday: Valentines Day Inspiration

Being Valentines Day, I decided to keep today’s ‘Get Fit Friday’ focus on fitness & love!!

One of the things that initially drew my husband and I together, was our common love for the outdoors and exercise. Exercise can essential have one of two effects on a relationship: It can draw you apart, making you self obsessive and selfish with your time or it can draw you together. The choice is yours.

Although Hendrik and my running paces are slightly different, when training for a race (marathon, etc) we try to do at least half our training together, this way ensuring that our hour to three hours on the road each day won’t be spent in the other person's absence. We usually run in the mornings before work but our favourite runs are our Saturday mornings runs, when we usually try to fit in a long run (In Korea that meant along the river, but in SA we hit the trails), after which we go out for a big yummy breakfast. Running together has become our ‘thing’ and is often the time when we get to catch up on what’s going on each other’s lives.

So I know that you, or maybe your partner, may not be runners, so my encouragement to you today is to try and find a common form of exercise that you both enjoy, and learn to compromise (usually from the man’s side) so that you can do this together :)

Happy Valentines Day!!

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