I have just got home from a three week trip in Europe {and
yes it was amazing thank you}!! One of these weeks was spent following the Tour
de France in a camper van {motorhome} with 6 of my family members.
Did I fear whether we’d all still speak to each other after
this rather cozy adventure? Well of course I did. But that was when I thought
we were in for 7 days in the sun. Which was not the case. No instead we had
rain. A lot of it. Everyday. But thank God {quite literally that I have the family that I do – with minds set on adventure, we took the rain in our stride, bought
raincoats, umbrellas and poncho’s and waddled our way through an epic week.
Now bare with me, as while this isn’t the focus on my Blog
post, it is the source from where’s I gained my inspiration for this post. You
see, life is fairly simple when it’s just YOU, doing what YOU love doing,
spinning on your little hamster wheel. When life gets interesting is when you
put a number of hamster wheels into a confined space {did I hear you say hello
family} – you got it!!
This was our first family holiday in a few of years…and
definitely our first long family holiday as grown adults.
Now as kids, you pretty much do what your parenst tell you
to do. But as adult children, we tend to have developed our own ways of doing
things – basically, our ‘go to’s’.
One of the beautiful things I learnt on this trip – was the
gift of time. And how perfectly ok it is, that each of us see time so
differently. Personally, I tend to wake with the birds – to embrace the day and
to never let a minute pass by without having done something constructive with
it. Now while this has served me in many ways, it is also quite exhausting. I
always blamed my “I can’t sit still lifestyle” on my upbringing, but then there
I found myself this past week, sitting working on my mac or reading my kindle
that was glued to the table under my throbbing thumbs {a camper is quite a
vehicle to maneuver and lets just say things didn’t stay where you put them},
while the remainder of my family did things that they considered ‘maximizing
their time”.
There is little that’s more exhausting, than trying to live
your life pleasing others. And let’s face it – they’re not usually pleased anyway.
Knowing how best to structure your day {your time} is
awfully freeing – as it not only gives you permission to be YOU…but it always
gives me {or others} permission to be me {them}!!! Win win!!!
Time is indeed free, but priceless too and that means it
deserves your best!!!
If this all sounds great but unfortunately you’re in a rut
right now that screams anything but “I’m making the most of my day”, then let’s connect & see what we can do to shift things up a bit.
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